We understand how women feel, think and thrive

Timely is a social enterprise created by the Women in Business NI Group. Our mission is to remove the obstacles, anxiety and challenges that women who want to return to work often face. We will enable and empower women, through training and a jobs board, to get back into work by connecting them to the right support and the right jobs, at the right time for them.

The WiB Group

Women in Business is an integral part of The WiB Group. The WiB Group is an umbrella group of social enterprises that are dedicated in the mission to help create a prosperous, inclusive economy for Northern Ireland.

Through Women in BusinessDiversity MarkTimely Careers and Centre of Learning, The WiB Group is committed to driving positive change through connections, accreditations, employment opportunities and skills development. Join us in our mission, where the collective power of everyone’s contributions propels us towards a brighter, more equitable future for all.

Search for jobs that work for you

For many women returners, full-time work is simply not a realistic option, yet it is still often difficult to find skilled jobs, careers and opportunities that respect the other commitments and demands in our lives.

Timely has created a hub that respects the non-traditional working week. All the positions we list are either part-time, offer flexible working patterns, are job share or term time only.

Our founding partners

If you would like to know more about our founding partners, and the work they are doing to help their employees build meaningful careers, please click the button below.

Career support that can help you move forward

Finding the right role can be a daunting experience full of challenges, both practical and emotional. Are the right roles out there? Will I have the correct skillset? How will this affect my family? Will they value what I can offer?

Returning to work or changing direction may be a small step or a big leap, but it is always a significant decision – we will be there to back you up.

Peer support

The extensive WIB Network gives our customers access to shared wisdom and nurtures a team mentality. You’re not alone!

CV assistance

If you don’t have a CV, or you’re not confident writing a CV, our online wizard will help you put your best foot forward.

Online and in-person training

We offer online and in-person training, connecting you to a trusted figures who can support you with knowledge and guidance.


Our on-line library of articles, research and shared knowledge means you can find reputable help for many subjects

If you want to return to work after taking a career break, or are searching for a new job that works for you, Timely will support you. Sign up for free.

Timely Events

At Timely, we run free monthly events for our members aimed to inform, educate and up skill women. Please sign up to access the events for free and email info@timelycareers.com to register for an event.

Unlock Your Potential: Empowering Women to Return Stronger!

Do you want to embark on a career comeback after a break? We’ve tailored an exclusive event just for you! Introducing our Mock Interview Workshop, designed to bolster women re-entering the workforce after maternity leave, time out to raise or care for family, or simply a career hiatus.

Here’s what’s on offer at this 1-1 opportunity:

  •  Personalised Guidance: Our expert HR professionals will provide tailored mock interviews, boosting your confidence and refining your skills
  • Empathetic Support: Connect with a supportive community of like-minded women, sharing experiences and insights to inspire your journey
  • Career-Ready Tools: Gain access to expertise and interview tips, ensuring you stand out at every opportunity
  • Confidence Boost: Conquer interview anxiety in a friendly, encouraging environment, so you’re ready to secure your dream job!

When? Flexibility offered regarding dates to suit you.

If you’re interested in reviving your career, register your interest in this event by emailing info@timelycareers.com

Speak with Impact: Building Confidence in Public Speaking, Presentations and Interviews

Realise your potential with our September masterclass on public speaking and communication skills, designed to help you speak with impact and confidence.

Led by Leah McStravick, known for her motivational coaching style, this masterclass will guide you through the essentials of planning, delivering, and executing powerful and authentic presentations.

Whether you’re preparing for public speaking, business presentations or interviews, Leah’s expertise will equip you with the skills to present yourself effectively.

In this workshop, you’ll learn to:

  • Understand your audience’s perspective and connect with them naturally.
  • Plan and deliver your message with clarity and conviction.
  • Use powerful language authentically to engage and persuade.

Throughout the morning, you’ll have the opportunity to observe, practice and test different communication models. Our interactive format ensures that you can develop your presentation and public speaking confidence in a supportive environment.

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your communication skills and become a more effective, confident speaker. Register early to secure your place in this highly anticipated masterclass!

This event is FREE to attend.  

Where? Hosted by NIE Networks, Danesfort, 120 Malone Road, BT9 5HT

When? Thursday 19th September – 10.00am – 12.00pm

Register now by emailing info@timelycareers.com

Reignite your Career Summer Programme

Are you considering a return to work after a career break? Or are you seeking to change jobs to accommodate your caring and personal needs? Join our comprehensive programme designed specifically for women like you.

Gain the confidence and clarity to take the next steps to a career that aligns with your priorities and values. Work with experts to update your CV, and master job application and interview skills.

Programme Highlights:

Group Sessions: Interactive workshops on CV writing, job applications and interview techniques

Personalised 1-1 Coaching Calls: Individual feedback and progress discussions

Confidence Building: Techniques to boost confidence and prepare for a return to the workforce.

Benefits of completing the programme:

  • Professional CV: Receive expert feedback to create a compelling CV
  • Enhanced Job Application Skills: Learn how to make your applications stand out
  • Interview Confidence: Master the skills needed to succeed in job interviews
  • Increased Self-Esteem: Build the confidence needed to re-enter the workforce
  • Supportive Network: Connect with other women and share experiences.

Ready to take the next step in your career journey?

Starting the week beginning 12 August, all you’ll need is to commit one hour per week to attend a webinar.

Webinars will take place on a Tuesday or Wednesday, morning or evening. *Times will be finalised based on the majority of participant’s preferences.

Register your interest today and prepare to re-enter the workforce with confidence!

Career and personal development opportunities

We are busy working to bring you an exciting line up of programmes, events and webinars designed to empower and enable you to return to work, or change careers to achieve greater flexibility that works for you, your family and personal commitments.

Remember to log in to your Timely Careers account to access free employability tools including our CV builder, Interview Simulator, Cover Letter Writing and 60 Pitch developer.

You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for ongoing free advice, tips and information on upcoming events. Click the icons at the top of this page to bring you there.

For Employers

As well as supporting women, we also strive to support businesses by connecting them to a unique pool of talent, knowing that those connections will have a positive impact on their businesses and our economy.

We celebrate the businesses that are working hard to effect change. The businesses that want to hire women returners because they recognise the value in creating and recruiting for non-traditional 9-5 roles. They acknowledge the financial benefits, and the benefits that flexibility brings in terms of creating a positive work environment, culture, increasing staff retention rates and enhancing employee engagement.

If you have roles that need filled by top candidates, Timely can help you connect with skilled, experienced and professional women through our unique jobs board.

An incredible pool of talent to fill your open vacancies

By advertising your open roles on the Timely platform, you are tapping into candidates that are engaged, and who want to further their careers.

Many of the candidates on the Timely platform are here because they struggle to find part-time or flexible career opportunities through the regular channels, which is where we are so different.

We promote roles that have an element of flexibility, for employers that see the value in thinking outside the 9-5.

If you would like to post your jobs on Timely, or discuss the platform in more detail, please contact us by emailing info@timelycareers.com

This is a business for women and we’re not going to ignore the fact that progress for women returners needs to happen faster than it is. It’s our duty to get Timely out there and stop so many women feeling dispirited.

Roseann Kelly, MBE, Timely

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